

All Hail the (Democratic) King

By AHMED CHARAI and JOSEPH BRAUDEJULY 11, 2011 Rabat, Morocco IT isn’t news anymore when an Arab ruler facing mass protests pledges sweeping reforms. But Morocco’s July 1 constitutional referendum may be the most significant development in the Arab world all summer. For the first time since the Arab Spring began, a population broadly embraced its leader’s reforms and scaled back antigovernment demonstrations.

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The Islamist Bloc?

Just because you think you know one of the Arab World’s new Islamists doesn’t mean you know them all. AHMED CHARAI, JOSEPH BRAUDE NOVEMBER 4, 2011 With uprisings stalled, for now, in Bahrain and Syria, it appears that North Africa’s revolutionaries — first in Tunisia, and then in Egypt and Libya — have been the most successful of the Arab

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US-Morocco alliance is as strong as the values on which it stands

By Retired Gen. James L. Jones Jr. and Ahmed Charai, contributor In a world of ongoing genocide, mass summary executions and unspeakable torture, the accusations against the kingdom of Morocco in a U.S. State Department human rights report last week were not earth-shattering. They include charges of arbitrary arrest and detention, denial of due process and curtailment of free expression. The

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Morocco Can Fix America’s Arabian Gulf Problem

Earlier this week, President Barack Obama met with the heads of the Gulf Cooperation Council in Riyadh under strained circumstances. Concerns are widespread about the historic security alliance between the United States on the one hand and, on the other, Saudi Arabia and its key Gulf allies. Since the aftermath of the Second World War, the United States and the

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Consolider l’Égypte: une urgence

Publication: 18/04/2016 14h02 CEST  Mis à jour: 18/04/2016 14h03 CEST  François Hollande a effectué une visite officielle au Caire, en soutien au Président Sissi. Il y a délivré plusieurs messages, concernant les droits de l’Homme, mais aussi l’importance de l’Égypte dans la recherche de stabilisation de la région. Depuis le renversement, ou la destitution de MORSI, le pays est en butte à une

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Time to intensify Turkish-Moroccan partnership

Turkey and Morocco’s partnership is a great development to meet the shared goal of strengthening security in the Muslim world and both countries must further their relationship to set an example for the other countries. Moroccans view with great enthusiasm the imminent, historic visit by President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan to Rabat. Our countries, which are bound by a common Islamic

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Redonner de l’espoir

Mohamed Abdelaziz est mort après une longue maladie. L’histoire jugera son action à la tête de Polisario pendant 35 ans. Son alignement aveugle sur l’Algérie, la dictature imposée dans les camps, demeureront dans les mémoires. Mais ce n’est pas à nous Marocains, seuls, d’établir ce bilan. Cette mort et les changements qu’elle induira peuvent ouvrir une nouvelle page vers la

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Quel syndicalisme?

Publication: 31/05/2016 16h54 CEST  Mis à jour: 31/05/2016 16h54 CEST  La France est bloquée, son économie soufreuse va payer le prix d’une agitation, contre un projet de loi. Un syndicat, la CGT, prend otage l’économie de tout un Etat, alors qu’il est loin d’être le plus représentatif au niveau des élections salariales. Au Maroc, nous avons eu une journée de grève générale, très

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